108 research outputs found

    Compression of 4D medical image and spatial segmentation using deformable models

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    Systems and Methods for Modeling Three-Dimensional Objects From Two-Dimensional Images

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    In one embodiment, a system and method for modeling a three-dimensional object includes capturing two-dimensional images of the object from multiple different viewpoints to obtain multiple views of the object, estimating slices of the object that lie in parallel planes that cut through the object, and computing a surface of the object from the estimated slices

    Regression Metric Loss: Learning a Semantic Representation Space for Medical Images

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    Regression plays an essential role in many medical imaging applications for estimating various clinical risk or measurement scores. While training strategies and loss functions have been studied for the deep neural networks in medical image classification tasks, options for regression tasks are very limited. One of the key challenges is that the high-dimensional feature representation learned by existing popular loss functions like Mean Squared Error or L1 loss is hard to interpret. In this paper, we propose a novel Regression Metric Loss (RM-Loss), which endows the representation space with the semantic meaning of the label space by finding a representation manifold that is isometric to the label space. Experiments on two regression tasks, i.e. coronary artery calcium score estimation and bone age assessment, show that RM-Loss is superior to the existing popular regression losses on both performance and interpretability. Code is available at https://github.com/DIAL-RPI/Regression-Metric-Loss.Comment: Accepted by MICCAI202

    Deeply-Supervised CNN for Prostate Segmentation

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    Prostate segmentation from Magnetic Resonance (MR) images plays an important role in image guided interven- tion. However, the lack of clear boundary specifically at the apex and base, and huge variation of shape and texture between the images from different patients make the task very challenging. To overcome these problems, in this paper, we propose a deeply supervised convolutional neural network (CNN) utilizing the convolutional information to accurately segment the prostate from MR images. The proposed model can effectively detect the prostate region with additional deeply supervised layers compared with other approaches. Since some information will be abandoned after convolution, it is necessary to pass the features extracted from early stages to later stages. The experimental results show that significant segmentation accuracy improvement has been achieved by our proposed method compared to other reported approaches.Comment: Due to a crucial sign error in equation